Here's a quick cheat-sheet on string manipulation functions in R, mostly cribbed from Quick-R's list of String Functions with a few additional links.
- substr(x, start=n1, stop=n2)
- grep(pattern,x, value=FALSE,, fixed=FALSE)
- gsub(pattern, replacement, x,, fixed=FALSE)
- gregexpr(pattern, text,, perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE)
- strsplit(x, split)
- paste(..., sep="", collapse=NULL)
- sprintf(fmt, ...)
- toupper/tolower(x)
- nchar(x)
Also see Regular Expressions as used in R and R String processing.
Note: Just to be clear, R is far from an ideal platform for processing text. For anything where that's the major concern, you're better off going to Python or Ruby.
I have been looking for this! Really appreciate the time and effort you made creating this list.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!